Sukhoi Su-27 Flankers and Mikoyan MiG-27D Floggers. Kazakhistan Snow Leopards of the Seven Rivers (12) Flanker B and C, Yellow 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 10,51, 53; Flogger Yellow 64, 30, 36, 44. All numbers are yellow outlined red. Variety of camouflage schemes #LH48023

Sukhoi Su-27 Flankers and Mikoyan MiG-27D Floggers. Kazakhistan Snow Leopards of the Seven Rivers (12) Flanker B and C, Yellow 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 10,51, 53; Flogger Yellow 64, 30, 36, 44. All numbers are yellow outlined red. Variety of camouflage schemes

Today's Price: $29.13

SKU: LH48023
Scale: 1/48
Weight: 0.20 lbs.

Status: Special Order in Europe, Ships in less than 2 weeks



Aircraft decals (military)

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