Fairey Gannet: 1. Fairey Gannet AS.4 UA+108, #PSL48069

Fairey Gannet: 1. Fairey Gannet AS.4 UA+108,

Today's Price: $22.22

SKU: PSL48069
Scale: 1/48
Weight: 0.27 lbs.

Status: Special Order in Europe, Ships in less than 2 weeks



1/48 Aircraft Decals Fairey Gannet: 1. Fairey Gannet AS.4 UA+108, Nr. 1 Squadron MFG 2, Federal German Navy (Bundesmarine), Westerland, Sylt, 1964. Extra Dark Sea Grey and Sky finish. Propeller spinners painted black. Serials, codes and lettering in black

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