Fighters Over Africa and the Mediterranean Pt #XD72228

Fighters Over Africa and the Mediterranean Pt

Today's Price: $11.09

SKU: XD72228
Scale: 1/72
Weight: 0.07 lbs.

Status: Special Order in Europe, Ships in less than 2 weeks



1/72 Decals Fighters Over Africa and the Mediterranean Pt.1 (11): Hawker Hurricane Mk.I Tropical version W9293/U 75 Sq RAF 1942; Hurricane Mk.IIc (Trop) HL885 AX-Z 'Oops' 1 Sq SAAF 1942; BP317 AX-N 'B Lucky III' 1 Sq SAAF 1942; Supermarine Spitfire Mk.Vb

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